Philip Stephens Приложения

Basic Calculator Pro 2.1
Philip Stephens
A simple calculator that carries out thebasicoperations of arithmetic. The buttons of the calculator areclearylayed out, making entering calculations a simple task.As well as the four basic mathematics operations thecalculatorcan carry out square roots and powers. There are buttonsto includeyour previous answer in the next calculation as well astheconstant pi. Brackets can be used to enter morecomplexcalculations.The calculator follows the usual BODMAS rules for orderofoperations. There is no limit to the size of the calculationbeingentered and the top half of the screen can be scrolledhorizontallyto both review and edit the input. The cursor positioncan be setby touching the screen or using the buttons just belowthescreen.Although limited to basic operations, keeping thedisplayuncluttered and simple to use, this is a robust calculatorgivingaccurate results up to at least 10 significant figures.Please note that √25𝜋 will be interpreted as the square rootof25 then multiplied by pi. To find the square root of 25𝜋 youmustuse brackets i.e. √(25𝜋) also the calculator will apply a lefttoright order of calculations for operations of equalprecedence,including for powers, i.e a^b^c is equivelant to(a^b)^c
Basic Scientific Calculator 3.4
Philip Stephens
A free, straight forward and simple to usebasic scientific calculator that is both robust and reliable. Aswell as the basic mathematics operators the scientific functionsincluded are the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, and theirinverses, and logarithms to base 10 and the natural logarithmfunction. A key to calculate factorials has also been included tofacilitate statistics calculations.The scientific calculator's display can be customized with thescreen and background colors being changeable. Each individualbutton's color can also be changed.The calculator operates with a precision of up to 15 significantfigures, although this can be reduced in the settings menu.The calculator will store the last 10 calculations, which arere-editable. Simply use the left and right keys at the top of thekeypad or scroll the top half of the screen and tap where you wishto place the cursor.The simple and straight forward design makes this scientificcalculator easy to operate but powerful enough to use for a varietyof applications.
Graphing Calculator Pro 3.4.1
Philip Stephens
A powerful graphing calculator and scientific calculator.
Scientific Calculator Pro 4.3
Philip Stephens
This free scientific calculator, withnoadvertising displayed on the main calculator screen, offersacomprehensive set of useful features allowing you to carryoutadvanced calculations. Its simple and intuitive design makes itapleasure to use. The calculator has all the functions that wouldbeexpected of a scientific calculator and a number ofadvancedfeatures allowing the calculation of complex numbers,vectors,matrices and statistical results. The calculator alsoincludes agraphing function, in equation mode, allowing up to 4equations tobe drawn on the same graph. The graph can be bothscrolled andzoomed.The calculator is customizable allowing you to change thecolorsof the screen, background and all the individual buttons,allowingyou to personalize its appearance.An ad-free version of this App is also available.The Scientific Calculator Pro's features include• basic mathematics operators addition,subtraction,multiplication, division and powers.• conversion between decimal and surd answers.• 7 modes of operation: Calculation, logic, vector,matrix,statistics, complex and equation.• all valid functions work with complex numbers, in complexmode,including trigonometric and inverse trigonometricfunctions.• indices and roots.• logarithms base 2 to 10 and base e (natural logarithm).• trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and their inversesandreciprocals.• 26 scientific constants.• unit conversions.• factorials, combinations and permutations.• degrees, minutes, seconds, radians andgradiansconversions.• fractions and percentages key.• absolute function.• modulo operator.• greatest common divisor and least common multiple.• logic operations and conversion between bases, includingchoiceof two's compliment or unsigned for decimal answers.• unit vector and scalar and vector products, in vectormode.• vectors can be enterred and displayed in cartesian,polar,cylindrical or spherical form.• inverse, transpose, cofactors, determinant and identitymatrix,in matrix mode.• one variable statistics: mean, sum of x, sum of x²,standarddeviation, sample deviation, n, min, lower quartile,median, upperquartile and max.• two variable statistics: product momentcorrelationco-efficient, sum of xy, covatiance and linear,quadratic, cubic,exponential, power and natural logarithmregressions.• complex numbers can be entered and displayed in polarorcomponent form.• graph, numerical integration and differentiation, rootfinderand table output, in equation mode.• previous 10 calculations stored and re-editable.• last answer key (ANS) and five separate memories eachfornumbers, vectors, lists, and complex numbers.• random number generators including normal, poisson,binomialand geometric as well as uniform distributions.• probability distribution calculator for normal,poisson,binomial, student-t, F, chi-squared, exponential andgeometricdistributions.• user definable decimal marker (point or comma).• choice of division symbol.• automatic, scientific or engineering output.• automatic or manual entry for unary minus.• optional thousands separator. Choose between space or comma/point (depends on decimal marker).• variable precision up to 15 significant figures.• scrollable screen allowing arbitrarily long calculations tobeentered and edited and allowing results larger than the screentobe viewed.
Scientific Calculator Pro a/f 4.2
Philip Stephens
This scientific calculator, ad free and withnofurther in app purchases, offers a comprehensive set ofusefulfeatures allowing you to carry out advanced calculations.Itssimple and intuitive design makes it a pleasure to use.Thecalculator has all the functions that would be expected ofascientific calculator and a number of advanced featuresallowingthe calculation of complex numbers, vectors, matricesandstatistical results. The calculator also includes agraphingfunction, in equation mode, allowing up to 4 equations tobe drawnon the same graph. The graph can be both scrolled andzoomed.The calculator is customizable allowing you to change thecolorsof the screen, background and all the individual buttons,allowingyou to personalize its appearance.The Scientific Calculator Pro's features include• basic mathematics operators addition,subtraction,multiplication, division and powers.• conversion between decimal and surd answers.• 7 modes of operation: Calculation, logic, vector,matrix,statistics, complex and equation.• all valid functions work with complex numbers, in complexmode,including trigonometric and inverse trigonometricfunctions.• indices and roots.• logarithms base 2 to 10 and base e (natural logarithm).• trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and their inversesandreciprocals.• 26 scientific constants.• unit conversions.• factorials, combinations and permutations.• degrees, minutes, seconds, radians andgradiansconversions.• fractions and percentages key.• absolute function.• modulo operator.• greatest common divisor and least common multiple.• logic operations and conversion between bases, includingchoiceof two's compliment or unsigned for decimal answers.• unit vector and scalar and vector products, in vectormode.• vectors can be enterred and displayed in cartesian,polar,cylindrical or spherical form.• inverse, transpose, cofactors, determinant and identitymatrix,in matrix mode.• one variable statistics: mean, sum of x, sum of x²,standarddeviation, sample deviation, n, min, lower quartile,median, upperquartile and max.• two variable statistics: product momentcorrelationco-efficient, sum of xy, covariance and linear,quadratic, cubic,exponential, power and natural logarithmregressions.• complex numbers can be entered and displayed in polarorcomponent form.• graph, numerical integration and differentiation, rootfinderand table output, in equation mode.• previous 10 calculations stored and re-editable.• last answer key (ANS) and five separate memories eachfornumbers, vectors, lists, and complex numbers.• random number generators including normal, poisson,binomialand geometric as well as uniform distributions.• probability distribution calculator for normal,poisson,binomial, student-t, F, chi-squared, exponential andgeometricdistributions.• user definable decimal marker (point or comma).• choice of division symbol.• automatic, scientific or engineering output.• automatic or manual entry for unary minus.• optional thousands separator. Choose between space or comma/point (depends on decimal marker).• variable precision up to 15 significant figures.• scrollable screen allowing arbitrarily long calculations tobeentered and edited and allowing results larger than the screentobe viewed.
Graphing Calculator 3.4.0
Philip Stephens
A free yet powerful graphing calculator and scientific calculator.
Fractions Calculator Pro 4.0.2
Philip Stephens
Easily perform calculations with fractions, using the large naturaldisplay.
Fractions Calculator 4.0.3
Philip Stephens
Easily perform calculations with fractions, using the large naturaldisplay.
Basic Scientific Calculator 1.4.0
Philip Stephens
An ad free version of the Basic Scientific Calculator isalsoavailable. • Easy to use interface allows the calculationoffractions and decimals. • The text-book style display allows youtoenter calculations as they would be written. • Calculatesquareroots, powers and percentages. • Conversion between decimalandsurd answers. • logarithms base 10, e (natural logarithm) and n.•trigonometric functions and their inverses. • 26scientificconstants. • unit conversions. • factorials, combinationsandpermutations. • degrees, minutes, seconds, radians andgradiansconversions. • Previous 10 calculations stored andre-editable. •The calculator's colors are customizable. • Userdefinable decimalmarker (point or comma). • Optional thousandsseparator. Choosebetween space or comma/point(depends on decimalmarker). • Variableprecision up to 15 significant figures.
Basic Scientific Calculator ad-free 1.4.0
Philip Stephens
• Easy to use interface allows the calculation of fractionsanddecimals. • The text-book style display allows you toentercalculations as they would be written. • Calculate squareroots,powers and percentages. • Conversion between decimal andsurdanswers. • logarithms base 10, e (natural logarithm) and n.•trigonometric functions and their inverses. • 26scientificconstants. • unit conversions. • factorials, combinationsandpermutations. • degrees, minutes, seconds, radians andgradiansconversions. • Previous 10 calculations stored andre-editable. •The calculator's colors are customizable. • Userdefinable decimalmarker (point or comma). • Optional thousandsseparator. Choosebetween space or comma/point(depends on decimalmarker). • Variableprecision up to 15 significant figures.
Graph Plotter Pro 1.9.0
Philip Stephens
Versatile Graphing application with 2D, 3D and complex graphs.
Scientific Calculator Pro 3.11.0
Philip Stephens
A powerful scientific calculator. With full complex number support.
Scientific Calculator Pro 16.3.1
Philip Stephens
A powerful scientific and graphing calculator with matrices andcomplex numbers.
Percentage Calculator 6.0.2
Philip Stephens
Easily calculate percentage increases and decreases.
Scientific Calculator 3.11.0
Philip Stephens
A free, yet powerful, scientific calculator. With full complexnumber support.
Scientific Calculator 16.2.0
Philip Stephens
A powerful scientific and graphing calculator with matrices andcomplex numbers.
Percentage Calculator Pro 6.0.2
Philip Stephens
Easily calculate percentage increases and decreases.
Graph Plotter 1.9.1
Philip Stephens
Versatile Graphing application with 2D, 3D and complex graphs.
Bar Chart Maker Pro 2.0.4
Philip Stephens
Easily create bar charts for use in reports, projects andassignments.
Financial Calculator Pro 1.4.1
Philip Stephens
A sophisticated financial calculator, perfect for Economicsstudents.
Bar Chart Maker 2.0.3
Philip Stephens
Easily create bar charts for use in reports, projects andassignments.
Line Graph Maker 3.0.2
Philip Stephens
Easily create line graphs for use in reports, projects andassignments.
Line Graph Maker Pro 2.0.1
Philip Stephens
Easily create line graphs for use in reports, projects andassignments.
Financial Calculator 1.4.1
Philip Stephens
A sophisticated financial calculator, perfect for Economicsstudents.
Pie Chart Maker 3.0.1
Philip Stephens
Easily create pie charts for use in reports, projects andassignments.
File Manager Pro 1.6.1
Philip Stephens
File manager with integrated image, audio and video player.
Scatter Graph Maker 1.0.1
Philip Stephens
Easily create Scatter graphs for use in reports, projectsandassignments.